Ethics and Integrity

We play fair

At V.tal, fair play is one of our principles. We take this seriously and our Code of Ethics and Conduct reflects. Along with other company policies, this document is intended to provide clear guidance on the proper attitudes to adopt in our day to day.

All of our employees are responsible for understanding and complying with the rules set forth in the Code (click here to access the document).

Furthermore, our suppliers and business partners must be aware not only of this document, but also of the Third Party Ethics and Conduct Manual.

Those who are ethical in their personal lives are also ethical at V.tal.

Have you witnessed, identified or become aware of any conduct that does not comply with our Code?

Access the Confidential Channel.

V.tal provides this channel to receive reports of violations of applicable laws, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, and any ethical deviations.

The Channel is managed by a third party company, and reports can be made anonymously. If the individual chooses to identify him or herself, V.tal will take all necessary precautions to ensure confidentiality and non-retaliation against the complainants made in good faith.